Finding your target audience

In this webinar we’ll discuss why image matters, how to find your target audience and how you can use online platforms as a way to genuinely connect with them. This webinar is perfect for anyone who’s insecure about their image or marketing, feel like their potential audience isn’t finding them or for those who just really hate social media.

Topics include:

  • Why does it matter how I project myself online? You need to figure out what kind of weird you are to find others like you, a.k.a., how to identify your target audience

  • How to change your attitude about social media because, let’s face it, everyone hates it 1000 true fans theory Marketing as an extension of your creative self

  • Basic marketing strategy for a release with tips and tricks

    The webinar is hosted by Anna Jóna Dungal, music industry consultant of OK agency.


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Finding your brand