Internationell karriär - Paket
Är du och ditt band redo för en internationell karriär? Har du motivationen, tiden och framförallt lusten att arbeta strategiskt och långsiktigt? Kanske har du/ni bokningsbolag och/eller management, eller så gör ni allt arbete själva?
Vad är en internationell karriär för dig? Är det några gig per i år i Tyskland eller vill du spela 100 konserter om året i olika delar i världen? Oavset vilket så har vi satt ihop ett paket till dig där några av våra medlemmar och internationella experter delar med sig om hur de har gjort för att skapa sig en internationell karriär.
Laia Canals, Tempi and Kolonien - How to start an international career
Laia Canals works as Tempi Director and formerly International Projects Manager, handling the export activities of Danish Roots Music artists and industry, as well as being an advisor in internationalization strategies for artists, companies and governments. Internationalization as a core, diversity as a motto,
Laia’s work is behind projects all over the world, from Nordic partnerships to European projects, North America, South America, Australian and Asian initiatives. Aside, Laia participates in several Boards of Directors as, Folk Alliance USA, The Nordic Folk Council, Nordic Folk Alliance and Lux Boreal Festival.
Her talk will cover: An international career, why? Prepare for an international career, assets, plans, economy How to get exposure? The Wild West of showcase festivals and music conferences.
An overview of the Roots Music Export Folk-pop band Kolonien have been referred to as "The Fleet Foxes of Scandinavia" but their music and inspiration is deeply rooted in the Swedish folk tradition. Since forming in 2010 they have toured extensively throughout the world, gaining a devoted audience both at home and abroad.
Kolonien will present their own journey and the do's and dont's of establishing an international career.
Promotion, tour booking and artist management in Germany for newcomers on the German music scene - with Lena Muller
Lena Mueller is a German based booking agent and former promoter.
She is born and raised in Bremen and has been in touch with music from the first day of her life.After her studies of cultural management (M.A. Arts and Media Administration) in Berlin, shemoved to Jena (Thuringia) and started to work at the summer festival ‚Kulturarena Jena’.Aside from that she started to do all bookings for the Jazz and World music program of thelocal venue ‚Volksbad Jena’ (capacity 350 PAX) and for special events, developed by the cityof Jena.After a few years of being a promoter, she decided to "change the side" to focus on workingdirectly with national and international musicians. At this point, in 2016, she moved to Berlinin order to work as a booking agent at Handshake Booking. After four years full of goodexperiences there, she decided to change the agency: Nowadays, since November 2020,she’s working at Jazzhaus Artists - an equally great and renowned agency that combines jazz,world, rock and pop booking with its own label work, music publishing, promotion andconcert management.In general, Lena is mainly trying to support artists to express their musical visions and furthergrow their musical careers - always searching for suitable places to show and spread theirmusic.
The webinar is moderated by Marcus Bader at Musikcentrum Syd and will be held in English.
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Lena Müller
+49 176 82156471
Showcases och mässor — närvaro på den internationella arenan
9 mars kl. 13.00-14.30 på zoom
Showcases och mässor — närvaro på den internationella arenan
Ni kan anmäla er max 2 personer per akt
Få de bästa tipsen på hur du tar dig fram i djungeln av showcases, mässor och internationella lanseringsstrategier!
— Ragnar Berthling, internationell koordinator på Musikcentrum Öst lotsar dig fram tillsammans med Export Music Swedens projektledare Josef Hermansson.
Josef arbetar bland mycket annat med att ta fram ExMS landsguider! Har ni inte spanat in dom, så gör det nu. Ta del av omfattande guider och förteckningar för varje land kring musikens infrastruktur (scener, radiostationer, bokningsbolag, festivaler och mycket mer). Ragnar är alltså Musikcentrums internationella ansikte utåt och som antagligen innehar världsrekordet i besök av flest festivaler runtom i världen — med mycket god insyn i de olika internationella sammanhangen och festivalerna (WOMEX, Reeperbahn Festival, Classical Next, Mutek, jazzahead! m.fl.).
Samtalet kretsar kring frågor som:
-Vad ska du tänka på innan, under och efter ett showcase?
-Vilka showcases är relevanta för dig?
-Hur finansierar du dina internationella satsningar?
-Vad är viktigt för en artist att tänka på vid internationell lansering?
Vi går igenom tips och trix, tänk och strategier kring den internationella marknaden — och dessutom följs samtalet av det en panel med våra projektledare inom Musikcentrum, som själva arbetar som musiker/artister. Här delar vi med oss av do’s and don’ts och våra allmänna erfarenheter från den internationella livescenen! Möt Terese Lien Evenstad och Annelie Johansson, projektledare och kommunikatörer på Musikcentrum Väst — tillsammans med Marcus Bader, interaktionsdesigner och projektledare på Musikcentrum Syd. Samtalet modereras av Kim Vestin, projektledare på Musikcentrum Öst.
Getting noticed – how to stand out from the crowd when launching an international career
Welcome to a conversational sparring session between two international industry professionals:
Their talk will concern topics such as identity, authenticity, excellence and timing, all through the lens of how to stand out from the crowd when you’re trying to start an international career. The talk will be held in English.
Dublin-born Tom Sherlock has worked as a full-time music business professional since 1982 when he began employment with leading Irish folk music label, Claddagh Records, which he helped establish as one of the world's largest distributor of traditional music. Since 1997 Tom has worked in music management and event consultancy and has represented many of the leading Irish traditional music acts, among them The Chieftains. In recent years he has taken on management of the Danish band Dreamers’ Circus and has overseen their growth to becoming a leading name in the Nordic Music scene. Tom has worked hard in developing the Nordic folk brand internationally. Tom has wide experience of organizing tours in the USA, Canada, the UK, Ireland, Japan, China, Australia and has worked in most European countries. He works as a programming consultant and advisor to a number of festivals and is currently engaged by Music Estonia and Tempi (Denmark) to offer mentoring courses to musicians in those countries.
Originally from Iceland, Anna Dungal began her career in the music industry ripping concert ticket stubs at age 13, and after that glimpse behind the scenes there was no turning back. She earned a degree in Music Business while living in Berlin and during her 7 years there she co-founded concert series Basement Bash, produced Berlin Midsommar Festival, managed numerous corporate events, taught industry workshops, hosted a podcast and much more. Upon moving back to Iceland in 2021, she founded music industry consultancy Ok Agency where she advises artists and corporate clients (most recently Reykjavík Music City and Sony Music Iceland) on anything industry-related.
Recommended videos to watch on branding:
Videos on how to work internationally
Videos on booking tours and finding gigs
Annelie Johansson är projektledare för Live music from Sweden och Omstarta mig internationell.
Kim Westin at Musikcentrum Öst ör webinarie-samordnare på Musikcentrum Riks.
Marcus Bader är webbutvecklare för Kunskapsbanken.